Hendris1, Etty Wahyuni1, Reyhana Jafar1, Muhammad Arbain1, Devita Meiliyani 1

1 Program Studi Agribisnis, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Borneo Tarakan

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California papaya is one type of fruit in the City of Tarakan especially in the District of North Tarakan. In papaya farming, farmers face production risks that can affect the sustainability of their production. This research aims to identify sources of production risk, analyze the level of risk, and formulate strategies to address the risks of papaya production. The method of determining the sample is by using purposive sampling with 15 respondents. Data analysis used is quantitative descriptive, production risk assessment using variance, standard deviation and coefficient variation analysis. The results show that the sources of papaya production risk are fertilizers, seeds, pest and disease attacks and climate/weather changes. The coefficient variation value of 0,20 means that the farmer’s risk is 20% of the average production yield of 2.688 pieces to 2.150,4 pieces, so the production risk value is 538 pieces. The production risk management strategy is to build partners with manure suppliers, pay attention to each plant tree carefully and regularly from pest and disease attacks, make a ditch around the plant bed and observing weather changes in order to avoid losses during the papaya plant fertilization process.

Key words : California papaya, coefficient variation, production risk.

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