(Oryza sativa L.) IN POLYBAGS

Arman Effendi1*,Elza Zuhry1, Zulfatri1, Idwar1, Mega Zulni1

1 Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Riau, Jalan Binawidya No. 30 Kampus UNRI Panam, Pekanbaru, 28293.

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Diterima / Disetujui



The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of compost sludge waste from the Palm Oil Mill rice productivity using SRI modifications. The rice variety used is Batang Piaman. This study used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with five treatment sludge compost doses, namely 0 t.ha-1 (control), 10 t.ha-1, 15 t.ha-1, 20 t.ha-1 and 25 t.ha-1 repeated three times. The results showed that the compost sludge of Palm Oil Head Factory significantly affected the parameters of observing plant growth rate, net assimilation rate, maximum number of tillers, number of productive tillers, and weight of milled unhusked rice. The best dose of sludge fertilizer for rice production is the 20 t.ha-1 sludge compost dose which can increase rice productivity by approximately 90% compared to the productivity in the Batang Piaman Vaietas description.

Key words : SRI Modifications, Sludge, Growth, Yeild, Oryza sativa L

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Wijaya M. Indriatama1, Aris Wibowo2, Sudirman2, Sihono1, Marina Y.

Maryono1, Soeranto Human1

1 Pusat Riset dan Teknologi Aplikasi Isotop dan Radiasi, Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional, (PRTAIR-BRIN),

Jl. Lebak Bulus Raya 49, Jakarta, 12440, Indonesia

2 Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Jl. K.H. Ahmad Dahlan, Ciputat, Tangerang Selatan,

Banten, 15419, Indonesia

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Diterima / Disetujui



The tolerance of sorghum to drought stress is influenced by the growth phase. The critical phase for sorghum plants will be affeted to the growth and yield. The purpose of this study was to determine the response of growth and yield of some sorghum varieties to drought stress in the vegetative and generative phases. This research was conducted in January - June 2019 at the Green House of Plant Breeding Group, Research and Technology Center for Isotope and Radiation Application, National Research and Innovation Agency, South Jakarta. The method used in this research was factorial complete randomized block design with drought stress treatment as the first factor, while the sorghum varieties as the second factor. The results of this study indicated that the drought stress on the vegetative phase affected to the plant height, the number of leaves and reduced the weight of seeds. The drought stress on generative phase decreased the growth of stem diameter. The different used sorghum varieties induced variation on the growth of plant height, stem diameter, leaf chlorophyll, seed weight and weight of 100 seeds. Interactions between drought stress and varieties treatments occured on the % brix, panicle length, and panicle weight. Based on stress tolerant index value, Numbu variety are the most tolerant to drought condition.

Key words : drought, tolerant, index, vegetative, generative

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Yosi Zendra Joni dan Noflindawati

Balai Penelitian Tanaman Buah Tropika, Jl. Raya Solok–Aripan, Km. 8, Solok 27301

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Diterima / Disetujui



Mangosteen ex vitro rooting is one of the methods to induce roots on in vitro mangosteen shoots. The planting media type is one factor that influences the succes of ex vitro rooting. This research aimed to determine the optimum planting media to induce mangosteen ex vitro rooting. The experiment was conducted in the greenhouse of the Indonesian Center for Agricultural Biotechnology and Genetic Resources Research and Development (ICABIOGRAD). The planting materials used were >2 cm mangosteen in vitro shoots. The experiment was arranged in Completely Randomized Design (CRD), consisting of 4 treatments, which were the mixtures of soil and manure (SM), soil and compost (SC), compost and rice husk (CR), also soil, compost, and rice husk (SCR) with 10 replicate each. The result showed that the best media for mangosteen ex vitro rooting was the mixture of soil, manure, and rice husk (1:1:1), with life ability (rooting percentage) of 100%. However, the different types of planting media did not affect the shoot elongation, leaves number increment, primary roots length, number of secondary roots, and the ratio of shoots/roots length. The vitro rooting was a better procedure compared to the in vitro.

Key words : compost, Garcinia mangostana L., manure, rooting.

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Rahmi Aprilia Adianto, P.K. Dewi Hayati*), Yusniwati

Prodi Agroteknologi, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Andalas, Kampus Unand Limau Manih 25163,

Padang, Sumatera Barat Indonesia

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Okra merupakan tanaman pangan fungsional dari golongan sayuran yang tidak hanya memiliki zat-zat gizi namun juga mengandung banyak manfaat untuk kesehatan. Kultivar okra lokal yang sudah lebih dulu dikenal di Indonesia yaitu okra merah dan okra hijau memiliki umur panen yang singkat sehingga produksi buahnya kecil. Jika buah dipanen terlambat, maka buah okra menjadi keras sehingga kurang diminati untuk dikonsumsi. Peningkatan umur panen okra melalui persilangan okra introduksi Ve022 dan B291, masing- masing dengan okra hijau dan okra merah diharapkan dapat menghasilkan kultivar yang memiliki umur panen lebih lama. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen tanpa ulangan menggunakan 10 genotipe okra generasi S2 yang diperoleh dari selfing generasi F2 yang ditanam pada bedengan dengan jarak tanam 60x40 cm. Tanaman yang dipilih adalah tanaman dengan umur panen 8 dan 9 Hari Setelah Antesis (HSA). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terjadi peningkatan umur panen menjadi 8, 9 dan 10 HSA, berturut-turut sebanyak 45%, 48% dan 7%, mengindikasikan terjadinya peningkatan ukuran panjang, diameter dan bobot buah okra.

Key words : selfing, introduksi, tekstur buah

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ANALISIS KLASTER 41 GENOTIPE OKRA (Abelmoschus esculentus (L). Moench) GENERASI S2


Prodi Agroteknologi, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Andalas, Kampus Unand Limau Manih 25163,

Padang, Sumatera Barat Indonesia

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Diterima / Disetujui



Selfing pada tanaman okra bertujuan untuk mendapatkan galur inbred untuk digunakan sebagai tetua pada perakitan varietas hibrida. Galur-galur perlu dikarakterisasi dan dianalisis kemiripan genetiknya untuk mendapatkan tetua dengan jarak genetik yang jauh. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menilai kemiripan genetik antar berbagai genotipe okra yang berasal dari hasil penyerbukan sendiri berbagai varietas okra. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan menanam 41 galur S2 tanpa ulangan. Individu yang memiliki karakter kualitatif berbeda dari tanaman lainnya di dalam genotipe yang sama, dianggap sebagai genotipe atau aksesi yang berbeda. Analisis cluster menghasilkan 2 kelompok yaitu A dan B yang memiliki tingkat kemiripan genetik sebesar 42% berdasarkan karakter warna mahkota bunga, warna batang, dan warna daun. Pada tingkat kemiripan genetik 50% diperoleh tiga kelompok aksesi, yaitu Kelompok A1, A2 dan B. Kelompok A1 yang terdiri atas 28 galur dan A2 terdiri atas 9 galur memisah karena karakter lekukan dan warna buah. Empat aksesi mengelompok menjadi satu (B) karena karakter warna merah pada bunga, batang dan daun.

Key words : analisis cluster , tanaman okra, selfing

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Fendri Ahmad

Anggota MASSI (Masyarakat Sagu Indonesia), Kampus IPB Dramaga Bogor Jawa Barat

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Diterima / Disetujui



Sago (Metroxylon spp.) is a potential crop to be developed. Sago plants have a very high starch content. One individual sago plant can produce 200-400 kg of dry starch, some even reach 800 kg. Sago starch can be used as the main food source, non-food industry, energy material, food industry and animal feed. To maintain sustainability, balance and increase sago productivity, sago cultivation activities are carried out. These activities include agronomic measures, suitability of plant growth and the influence of environmental factors. Sago is also an environmental protection plant, growing well on peatlands without excessive drainage.

Key words : Sago, Food, Starch, Cultivation, Productivity.

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AM Efendi1*, D Fatchullah1* dan WW Dewi2*

1Balai Penelitian Tanaman Sayuran, Jl. Tangkuban Parahu No.517, Bandung Barat

2Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Jalan Raya Palka KM. 03, Serang

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Diterima / Disetujui



Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is the fourth major food crop in the world, after wheat, maize and rice. In 2011 the need for potato seeds reached 103,582 tons, even though the availability was only 15,537 tons or only 15%. Therefore, potato seed production needs to be improved both in quality and quantity. This study aims to determine the effect of various planting media and variations in spacing on the growth of cuttings and tuber yield G0 for potato seed (Solanum tuberosum L.). The experiment was conducted at the Experimental Garden of the Indonesian Vegetables Research Institute (IVEGRI), from May 2015 to September 2015. The method used was a factorial randomized block design (RBD) consisting of two factors and three replications. The first factor is the planting medium (M) consisting of rice husks (M1), chicken manure (M2) and horse manure (M3). The second factor is the variation of the spacing (J) consisting of 5 cm x 5 cm (J1), 6 cm x 6 cm (J2) and 7 cm x 7 cm (J3). The results showed that separately, chicken manure gave the best results for plant height (54.07 cm), canopy width (24.80 cm), number of stolons (6.87 pieces), number of tubers per plant (5,76 pieces) and tuber weight per plant (23.37 g). Then the close spacing (5 cm x 5 cm) was able to increase the number of stolons (6.13 pieces) and the number of tubers (4.96 pieces). On the other hand, the spacing that is more sparse (7 cm x 7 cm) tends to produce larger G0 seeds because they can yield 18.05 g per plant.

Key words : Cuttings, Growing media, Spacing, Solanum tuberosum L.

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Risha Amilia Pratiwi1, Novriza Sativa2

1Kebun Raya Cibodas, Pusat Riset Konservasi Tumbuhan, Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional.

Jalan Kebun Raya Cibodas, Sindanglaya, Cipanas, Cianjur, Jawa Barat, 43253

2Jurusan Agroteknologi, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Garut. Jalan Raya Samarang,

Nomor 52A, Garut, Jawa Barat, 441511

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Plants play an important role in human being directly or indirectly. Ziziphus spp. (Rhamnaceae) has been cultivated in Indonesia and commonly used as a medicinal plant but another potency of Ziziphus spp. still not explored. Species diversity and distribution are basic data for development of Ziziphus spp. potency in Indonesia. However, previous research only reported the diversity and distribution of Ziziphus spp. in Java, while data for the national scale is not yet available. Thus, this study aims to inventory the Ziziphus spp. and their distribution in Indonesia as well as assessing the potency of these genera based on TREES categorization. Literature reseach were conducted on digital databases and repositories of national and international journals. There are 24 species of Ziziphus spp. in Indonesia. A total of 18 species are native from Indonesia and 6 species are introduced. Ziziphus spp. has potency as timber, plants for land restoration and heavy metal remediation, fertilizer, ornamental plants, animal shelter, veneration, learning resources, nutritious fruit, firewood, charcoal, tea, wine, traditional medicine, personal care, food for silkworm, natural dyes, honey, craft and accessories materials, fodder, cigarette biofilters, fiber, botanical pesticides, and latex. Exploration of Ziziphus spp. potency in Indonesia can encourage the social welfare.

Key words : diversity, distribution, potency, Ziziphus

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Kaharuddin Darmawan1, Arfiani Nur Sayidah1, Maris Miftahun Nisak1, Ankardiansyah Pandu Pradana1*, Muh Adiwena2, Rizza Wijaya3

1Program Studi Proteksi Tanaman, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Jember

2Program Studi Agroteknologi, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Borneo Tarakan

3Jurusan Teknologi Pertanian, Program Studi Keteknikan Pertanian, Politeknik Negeri Jember

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Watercress (Nasturtium officinale) is a vegetable that contains antioxidant components, so it has many health benefits. Post-harvest handling of watercress is needed to maintain its freshness and quality. Storage of watercress in cold temperatures can maintain the shelf life and freshness of watercress. This study was conducted to observe the effect of different media and storage treatments at low temperatures on the quality of watercress harvested products during five-day shelf life. The experimental design used in this study was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 5 treatments. The results of the research conducted from the treatment of watercress storage for 5 days, namely storage using tissue and husks showed better results than the control treatment. Treatment of tissue and husks can maintain moisture and reduce evaporation of water, so it has better consumption feasibility than the control treatment, vinegar water treatment, and baking soda solution. Based on the data, consumer satisfaction lies in the texture, color, and freshness of the watercress.

Keywords: freshness, quality, storage, post-harvest, watercress

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Eka Chairunnisa1, Hieronimus Satria Yuda Widianto1, Silvia Oktavia1 Ankardiansyah Pandu Pradana1*, Muh Adiwena2, Rizza Wijaya3

1Program Studi Proteksi Tanaman, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Jember

2Program Studi Agroteknologi, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Borneo Tarakan

3Jurusan Teknologi Pertanian, Program Studi Keteknikan Pertanian, Politeknik Negeri Jember

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Water spinach is one of the vegetables consumed by Indonesian pepole. Post-harvest management is one way of efforts to maintain product qualit. Agricultural products in the form of raw materials, semi-finished materials, and finished foodstuffs have a limited durability before experiencing decay. There needs to be a way to maintain the quality and quality of the product so that it remains fresh until it reaches the hands of consumers. One way is to do good packaging. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the best type of packaging on the shelf life of kale at different temperature conditions. The study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 8 treatments with 3 replications. The variables observed were leaf color, level of freshness, odor, and consumption feasibility. The results showed that plastic container packaging at cold temperatures can maintain the color and freshness of kale. Kangkung packaged in plastic wrap and plastic containers at room temperature and plastic wrap at cold temperatures has a high odor value. Water spinach packaged in paper and plastic containers has a high consumption value. The conclusion of this study is that the type of packaging used to store kale can affect leaf color changes, freshness, odor, and suitability for consumption.

Keywords: water spinach, packaging, temperature, shelflife

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