CONSORTIA Bacillus spp. FOR CONTROL OF Sclerotium rolfsii IN CHILLI (Capsicum annuum L.)

Noveriza Hermeria1*,, Yulmira Yanti1Nurbailis1, Ujang Khairul1

1 Program Studi Proteksi Tanaman Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Andalas 25163

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Sclerotium rolfsii is a soil-borne pathogenic fungus on chili plants that can cause yield losses of up to 40-75%. The consortium of endophytic bacteria Bacillus spp as biological agents is a relatively inexpensive and environmentally friendly control method. The aim of this study was to obtain the best consortium of Bacillus spp. isolates for the control of Sclerotium rolfsii. This research is an experimental study using a completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of 4 treatments of the Bacillus spp consortium, namely Treatment A (AGBE 2.1 TL + SLBE 2.3 BB), Treatment B (AGBE 2.1 TL + SLBE 1.1 BB), Treatment C (SLBE 2.3 BB). +SLBE 1.1 BB), Treatment D (AGBE 2.1 TL+SLBE 1.1 BB+SLBE 2.3 BB), Positive control (plants without S. rolfsii inoculation and without introduction of Bacillus spp.), Negative control (plants inoculated with S. rolfsii without introduction of Bacillus spp. ), comparison control (with Mankozeb administration) with 6 replicates each. Each consortium of Bacillus spp. endophytic bacteria was introduced to chili seeds and seedlings. The results showed that almost all consortiums of endophytic bacteria Bacillus spp were able to suppress the development of Sclerotium rolfsii both in the nursery phase and in the field. The B. toyonensis AGBE 2.1 TL+ B. thuringiensis SLBE 2.3 BB consortium was the best consortium in suppressing the development of seedling fall and stem rot caused by Sclerotium rolfsii.

Key words : stem rot, chili, consortium, seedling fall, Sclerotium rolfsii,

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(Lepidoptera: Crambidae) PADA TANAMAN KUBIS

Vajri IY1, Trizelia2*,Rahma H 3

¹-3Program Studi Ilmu Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan, Faperta Universitas Andalas,

Kampus Unand Limau Manis Padang 25163 Sumatera Barat,

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Crocidolomia pavonana merupakan salah satu hama penting yang membatasi produksi tanaman kubis. Alternatif pengendalian dengan penggunaan mikrorganisme yang berpotensi menekan perkembangan hama ini diantaranya dengan memanfaatkan rizobakteri. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mendapatkan isolat rizobakteri yang virulen terhadap larva C. pavonana. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Pengendalian Hayati, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Andalas, Padang menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 10 perlakuan dan 5 ulangan. Perlakuan terdiri dari beberapa isolat rizobakteri diantaranya 3 isolat Bacillus thuringiensis (KJKB2, KJKB3 dan BAKB), Bacillus subtilis (KJTSB), 3 isolat Serratia marcescens (AR1, AR2 dan RK10), Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (LMTSA) serta kontrol negatif (Aquadest steril) dan kontrol positif (insektisida Sipermetrin). Uji Virulensi dilakukan dengan metode perendaman benih dalam suspensi yang mengandung rizobakteri dengan kerapatan populasi 108 sel/ml. Variabel yang diamati adalah mortalitas larva, persentase pembentukan pupa dan imago serta peningkatan produksi asam salisilat. Data dianalisis dengan sidik ragam dan dilanjutkan dengan uji lanjut LSD pada taraf 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semua isolat rizobakteri dapat mematikan larva C. pavonana dan mampu menghambat perkembangan biologi serangga tersebut. Bacillus thuringiensis KJKB7.3 menunjukkan hasil yang lebih baik dengan nilai mortalitas paling tinggi (62.67%). Perendaman benih kubis dengan rizobakteri dapat meningkatkan kandungan asam salisilat.

Key words : Pengendalian Hayati, rizobakteri, Bacillus spp, Serratia marcescens, Croccidolomia pavonana, asam salisilat.

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Mila Syahputri, Yulmira Yanti, Nurbailis

Program Studi Proteksi Tanaman, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Andalas,

Padang, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia

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Penyakit antraknosa pada cabai disebabkan oleh Colletotrichum capsici, yang merupakan salah satu penyakit penting dan sulit dikendalikan. Salah satu alternatif pengendalian dengan pengendalian hayati menggunakan Aktinobakteria. Aktinobakteria merupakan golongan bakteri Gram positif dan termasuk bakteri yang dominan di tanah serta memiliki kemampuan dalam melindungi tanaman dari serangan patogen. Tujuan penelitian untuk mendapatkan isolat Aktinobakteria yang berpotensi mengendalikan penyakit antraknosa dan peningkatan pertumbuhan serta hasil tanaman cabai. Penelitian terdiri atas 2 tahap yaitu 1.) Seleksi isolat Aktinobakteria untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan bibit cabai dengan 23 perlakuan isolat Aktinobakteria (hasil seleksi uji hipersensitif), 1 kontrol dan 1 fungisida berbahan aktif mankozeb dengan 6 ulangan, disusun dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap 2.) Seleksi Aktinobakteria untuk mengendalikan Colletotrichum capsici dan meningkatkan pertumbuhan tanaman cabai dengan 16 perlakuan isolat Aktinobakteria (hasil seleksi tahap I) 1 kontrol positif, 1 kontrol negatif dan perlakuan mankozeb dengan 6 ulangan, disusun menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Peubah yang diamati adalah pengamatan ciri morfologi, uji Gram, reaksi hipersensitif, uji patogenisitas, pertumbuhan tanaman dan perkembangan penyakit. Hasil penelitian diperoleh 6 isolat Aktinobakteria yang memiliki potensi dalam mengendalikan patogen Colletotrichum capsici dan meningkatkan pertumbuhan tanaman dengan kode ARAI 3221, ARAC 3221, ARAC 2211, ARAI 3312, dan ARSI 2112.

Key words : Aktinobakteria, antraknosa, cabai, Colletotrichum capsici, eksplorasi

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N Ulfah, E Sulyanti, dan HRahma*

Program Studi Proteksi Tanaman Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Andalas Sumatera Barat

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Bacterial leaf blight (HDB) is one of the important diseases in rice plants, and this disease iscaused by the pathogenic bacterium Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo). A consortium of endophytic bacteria is an alternative to control HDB disease. The study aimed to obtain a consortium of endophytic bacteria that effectively suppressed the severity of HDB disease. The study was conducted using a completely randomized design consisting of 7 treatments and four replications. The treatment consisted of a consortium combination of 3 mutually compatible bacterial species, Serratia Marcescens AR1, Bacillus cereus AJ34, and A. faecalis AJ14 positive control, negative control, and Streptomycin sulfate 0,2%. The bacterial consortium was introduced twice in the seed treatment and seedling phases before transplanting, followed by Xoo inoculation 45 days after planting using the leaf-clipping method. The results showed that the consortium of endophytic bacteria S. marcescens AR1 + B. cereus AJ34 + A. faecalis AJ14 and the consortium S. marcescens AR1 + B. cereus AJ34 were effective for controlling HDB disease with incubation periods of 4.34 dai and 4.18 dai with effectiveness of 54.45% and 48.75. The effectiveness of suppressing the severity of HDB disease by these two treatments was 35.07% and 29.67%, respectively.

Key words : formulation, consortium, endophytic bacteria, rice, Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae

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BLIGHT DISEASES BY Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae


YM Gusrisan, Darnetty dan H Rahma*

Program Studi Proteksi Tanaman Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Andalas Sumatera Barat

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Bacterial leaf blight (BLB) disease caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv.oryzae (Xoo) is important in rice plants. The use of biological agents such as rhizobacteria as an inducer of plant resistance is an alternative that can use to control bacterial leaf blight. The purpose of this study was to obtain a consortium of rhizobacteria that can control BLB disease in rice plants in the field. This research is an experimental study using a Randomized Block Design, consisting of 7 treatments and three groups. The treatments consisted of consortium of S. pavanii KJKB 5.4 + B. cereus AJ 3.4; S. maltophilia LMTSA 5.4 + B. cereus AJ 3.4; S. pavanii KJKB 5.4 + S. maltophilia LMTSA 5.4 + B. cereus AJ 3.4; Positif Control (Not treated); Negative control (inoculated with Xoo); and Streptomycin Sulfate 0.2%. The rhizobacteria consortium was introduced two times, namely in the seed and seedling phase before transplanting. Furthermore, Xoo bacteria were inoculated when the rice plants were 45 DAP using the leaf-clipping method. The results showed that the consortium of S.pavanii KJKB 5.4 + S.malthophilia LMTSA 5.4 + B.cereus AJ 3.4) could suppress BLB disease in rice plants in the field with an incubation period of 4.89 days after inoculation with an effectiveness of 91.76% and a disease severity value 12.23% with effectiveness 56.02%.

Key words : Consortium, rhizobacteria, rice, Xanthomonas oryzae pv. Oryzae

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Putri Anisa, Yulmira Yanti, Ujang Khairul

Program Studi Proteksi Tanaman, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Andalas,

Padang, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia

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Aktinobakteria merupakan salah satu kelompok bakteri Gram positif, dapat hidup disekitar tanah perakaran tanaman maupun secara endofit. Aktinobakteria berpotensi sebagai agens hayati dalam mengendalikan patogen penyebab penyakit pada tanaman dan mampu meningkatkan pertumbuhan serta hasil tanaman. Tujuan penelitian untuk memperoleh isolat Aktinobakteria indigenus yang mampu menekan perkembangan penyakit layu bakteri dan meningkatkan pertumbuhan serta hasil tanaman tanaman tomat. Penelitian terdiri dari 3 tahap yaitu 1.) Isolasi Aktinobakteria indigenus 2.) Seleksi Aktinobakteria indigenus untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan bibit tomat dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap 27 perlakuan 6 ulangan, 26 isolat Aktinobakteria, dan 1 kontrol 3.) Seleksi Aktinobakteria indigenus untuk pengendalian RSI pada tanaman tomat dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap 20 perlakuan dan 6 ulangan,17 isolat Aktinobakteria (hasil seleksi tahap II), 1 kontrol positif, 1 kontrol negatif, dan 1 bakterisida berbahan aktif streptomisin. Peubah yang diamati adalah pengamatan ciri morfologi, uji Gram, reaksi hipersensitif, uji patogenesitas, pertumbuhan tanaman dan perkembangan penyakit. Isolat Aktinobakteria AS22SN22, AS11SN21, AS12AP21, AS12SN21, AS12SN22, AS12AP22, AG22PL21, AG12MG11, AG12MG12, AG22BP11, AT21PS11, AT22PS12, AT11PR22, AG22BP12 merupakan isolat yang mampu menekan perkembangan penyakit layu bakteri. Isolat terbaik dalam meningkatkan pertumbuhan pada fase pembibitan yaitu AT21PS11. Isolat Aktinobakteria yang terbaik dalam meningkatkan pertumbuhan yaitu AG22PL21. Isolat terbaik dalam mengendalikan penyakit layu bakteri dan meningkatkan pertumbuhan tanaman tomat adalah isolat AS11SN21.

Key words : Aktinobakteria, indigenus, isolat, Ralstonia syzygii subsp. indonesiensis, tomat

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Sudirman Sirait1*, Suhani1, Dwi Santoso1

1Program Studi Agroteknologi, Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Borneo Tarakan,

Kota Tarakan, Kalimantan Utara, Indonesia

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The changes of water storage capacity in a watershed determine the amount of water in the ground to meet the water needs, especially agricultural activities in the Tarakan City area. The Plants will encounter growth disorders and decreased productivity if they have a lack of water. This study aims to analyze changes in water storage capacity based on water balance and land conversion in the Tarakan City area for the period 2005-2020. The research stages consist of analysis of land conversion, water balance analysis and analysis of water storage capacity. The results showed that during the 2005-2020 period the use of forest land in the watershed area of Tarakan City decreased by 3.06%, namely 30.76% in 2005 and by 27.70% in 2020. The changes of forest area caused an increase in runoff value of 59 .46 mm and a decrease in groundwater recharge value of 15.21 mm. The value of water storage capacity in the Tarakan City area during the 2005-2020 period showed a decrease of 7.57 mm, namely 130.35 mm in 2005 and 122.78 mm in 2020.

Key words : Groundwater recharge, land use, runoff, water storage capacity, watershed.

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Refilda1*, Y. W. Manihuruk1, Y. Yusuf1

1 Jurusan Kimia, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Andalas,

Padang, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia

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Preservative is a food additive that is useful to prevent food spoilage by microorganisms. Meatballs are one of the most popular foods in the community. Some meatballs use preservatives in their processing. However, the use of synthetic preservatives such as benzoate and borax has a negative impact on health. This study was conducted to determine the content of borax and benzoate in meatballs sold by several meatball sellers and markets in Padang. Determination of borax and benzoate content was carried out using a UV-Vis Spectrophotometer. The results showed that from 5 samples tested, 1 sample contained benzoate and 2 samples contained borax. The level of benzoate contained in the sample is 12.46 g/kg, this exceeds the standard set by BPOM No. 36 of 2013, where the maximum limit for the use of benzoate in food is 1 g/kg. The levels of borax contained in the 2 samples tested were 0.93 g/kg and 1.56 g/kg. Based on the results obtained, it turns out that there are still people who use borax in food processing.

Key words : Benzoate, borax, meatballs, UV-Vis Spectrophotometer

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Risha Amilia Pratiwi1, Yati Nurlaeni2

1Kebun Raya Cibodas, Pusat Riset Konservasi Tumbuhan, Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional.

Jalan Kebun Raya Cibodas, Sindanglaya, Cipanas, Cianjur, Jawa Barat, 43253

2Kebun Raya Cibodas, Pusat Riset Konservasi Tumbuhan, Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional.

Jalan Kebun Raya Cibodas,Sindanglaya, Cipanas, Cianjur, Jawa Barat, 43253

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The advancement of public knowledge about the adverse effects of synthetic detergent on the environment causes a gradual changes in modern lifestyle. Public have awareness to use natural materials that have minimum risk in daily cleaning activities. Cibodas Botanic Gardens (CBG) is an ex situ conservation institution that have a role as a reservoir of plant biodiversity. CBG has various species of Sapindaceae collection, a family known produced saponins which can be used as natural detergent, as well as valueable fruit. However, research on the Sapindaceae collection of CBG is limited to its fruit potential. Therefore, this study aims to inventory the Sapindaceae collection of CBG and to find out their potency as natural detergent. Literature researches were carried out through digital national and international journal databases and repositories. Our results showed that CBG had 18 species of Sapindaceae. A total of 12 species contain saponins and have antimicrobial activity. There is no Sapindaceae in the CBG which classified as a threatened plant species. The most important part of this research is to build a reference on the potency of Sapindaceae as a natural detergent by considering the aspects of conservation and sustainable use.

Key words : Cibodas, collection, detergent, saponin, Sapindaceae

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Noflindawati, Tri Budiyanti , Dewi Fatria

Balai Penelitian Tanaman Buah TropikaJl. Raya Solok –Aripan KM 8 Kode pos 27301 Solok Sumatera Barat

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Papaya (Carica papaya. L) fruit is a tropical fruit with high nutritional that can be eaten fresh as well as processed fruit. The demand for the papaya is constantly increasing in line with public awareness for healthy living. This study aims to determine consumer preferences to papaya collection of Indonesian Tropical Fruit Research Institute. Sampling was carried out randomly respondents of the 100 people. Each respondent was asked to fill out questionnaires to assess the 25 genotypes papaya ITFRI collection. Data were tabulated and analyzed descriptively. The survey results was found that 8 genotypes of papaya with medium and small fruit sizes were preferred by more than 80% of respondents, fruit flavor characters was from 25 samples of selected genotypes 6 papaya genotypes favored by consumers (more than 80% of respondents chose to like), while the character of flesh color > 80% respondents chose to like the color orange red meat

Key words : concumers,flavor , papaya, preference

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